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Test and Burn in Connectors for the Semiconductor Industry

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Socket Series: 4662
Part Number: 630-4662-001A
Device Type:
Socket Features Part Series
Multi-Unit Applications
High Temperature Applications
Kelvin Applications
Axial Leads
Through Hole Leads
Gold Lans

Socket Features
Custom Zif Socket, 630 Lead Hybrid Interstitial Zif socket for Test and Burn-in
Available Socket Variations Listing
Socket Variations
006-3532-001A Axial Lead
013-3538-001A Axial Lead
014-4940-002A Axial Lead
028-4940-003A Axial Lead
040-4662-001A Axial Lead
045-4672-001A Axial Lead
012-4940-003A DIP
018-4662-001A DIP
019-4940-001A DIP
022-4940-002A DIP
026-3532-002A DIP
032-3532-001A DIP
032-3540-001A DIP
032-3540-002A DIP
034-4940-001A DIP
034-4940-002A DIP
036-3532-001A DIP
038-3532-001A DIP
038-3532-002A DIP
038-4940-002A DIP
038-4940-003A DIP
040-3540-001A DIP
040-3540-002A DIP
040-3540-003A DIP
040-3540-004A DIP
040-4940-001A DIP
042-3540-001A DIP
044-3532-001A DIP
044-3538-004A DIP
050-3532-001A DIP
051-4680-001A DIP
052-3538-002A DIP
056-3538-001A DIP
058-3532-001C DIP
058-3532-002A DIP
060-3538-001A DIP
064-3538-002A DIP
064-3540-001A DIP
070-3538-001A DIP
080-3538-001A DIP
080-3538-002A DIP
080-3538-003A DIP
093-3538-001A DIP
097-3538-001A DIP
100-3538-003A DIP
130-3538-001A DIP
240-8127 DIP
004-3532-001A Hybrid
005-4940-001A Hybrid
006-3532-001A Hybrid
006-3538-001A Hybrid
006-4940-001A Hybrid
011-4680-001A Hybrid
011-4940-001A Hybrid
012-4662-001A Hybrid
013-4940-001A Hybrid
015-4662-001A Hybrid
017-4662-001A Hybrid
017-4662-002A Hybrid
018-3538-003A Hybrid
018-3540-001A Hybrid
018-4662-001A Hybrid
020-4680-001A Hybrid
020-4940-003A Hybrid
022-4940-001A_C Hybrid
022-4940-003A Hybrid
022-4940-004A Hybrid
022-4940-005A Hybrid
024-3540-002A Hybrid
028-4662-001A Hybrid
030-3538-002A Hybrid
030-3540-001A Hybrid
031-4940-002A Hybrid
032-4662-001A Hybrid
032-4662-002A Hybrid
034-4662-001A Hybrid
035-3540-001A Hybrid
035-4662-001A Hybrid
038-4680-001A Hybrid
038-4940-001A Hybrid
040-3533-001A Hybrid
040-4662-001A Hybrid
041-4940-001A Hybrid
043-4940-001A Hybrid
047-3540-001C Hybrid
048-4662-003A Hybrid
048-4662-003B Hybrid
048-4940-004A Hybrid
050-3540-001A Hybrid
051-3538-001A_B Hybrid
051-4680-001A Hybrid
052-3538-004A Hybrid
052-3538-005A Hybrid
052-3540-001A Hybrid
052-4680-001A Hybrid
052-4680-002A Hybrid
054-4680-001A Hybrid
055-4940-001A Hybrid
057-4662-001A Hybrid
064-3538-001A Hybrid
072-4680-002A Hybrid
072-4940-001A Hybrid
080-3538-004A Hybrid
080-4662-001A Hybrid
096-3538-001A Hybrid
096-3538-002A Hybrid
100-3538-001A Hybrid
100-3538-002A Hybrid
100-3538-003A Hybrid
100-3538-004A Hybrid
100-3538-006A Hybrid
102-4680-001A Hybrid
104-4662-002A Hybrid
104-4940-001A Hybrid
150-4662-001A Hybrid
150-4662-002A Hybrid
174-4662-001A Hybrid
200-3538-001A Hybrid
204-4662-001A Hybrid
216-4662-001A Hybrid
256-3537-001A Hybrid
268-4672-001A Hybrid
276-4600-001A Hybrid
300-4662-001A Hybrid
336-4680-001A Hybrid
395-4662-001A Hybrid
40H Hybrid
664-4680-001A Hybrid
728-4672-001A Hybrid
072-4940-001A PGA
091-4940-001A PGA
096-3538-001A PGA
1024-4662-003A PGA
102-4680-001A PGA
104-4662-001A PGA
104-4662-002A PGA
104-4940-001A PGA
1089-4672-001A PGA
1296-4680-001A PGA
1458-4662-001A PGA
1521-4663-001A PGA
174-4662-001A PGA
192-4662-001A PGA
250-4940-001A PGA
276-4600-001A PGA
300-4662-001A PGA
336-4680-001A PGA
352-4663-001A PGA
395-4662-001A PGA
475-4662-001A PGA
484-4680-001A PGA
512-4680-001A PGA
540-4662-001A PGA
564-4662-001A PGA
728-4672-001A PGA
729-4662-002A PGA
008-4680-001A Power
013-3538-001A Power
016-3532-002A Power
030-4662-002A Power
045-4672-001A Power
012-4662-001A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
014-4940-002A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
028-4940-003A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
030-4662-002A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
048-4662-003B QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
064-4680-001A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
068-4662-002A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
068-4662-006A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
136-4662-001A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
256-3537-001A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
011-3532-001A_B SIP/In-Line
014-3532-003A SIP/In-Line
015-3532-001A SIP/In-Line
016-3532-001A SIP/In-Line
016-3532-002A SIP/In-Line
020-4940-002A SIP/In-Line
023-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
025-3532-001A SIP/In-Line
025-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
025-3538-002A SIP/In-Line
027-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
027-3538-002A SIP/In-Line
029-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
030-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
031-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
031-3538-002A SIP/In-Line
032-3532-002A SIP/In-Line
037-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
039-3538-002A SIP/In-Line
039-4680-001A SIP/In-Line
040-3533-002A SIP/In-Line
040-3538-002A SIP/In-Line
040-3538-004A SIP/In-Line
041-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
044-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
044-3538-002A SIP/In-Line
044-3538-003A SIP/In-Line
049-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
051-3538-001A_B SIP/In-Line
055-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
063-3538-001A SIP/In-Line
100-3538-005A SIP/In-Line
100-3538-007A SIP/In-Line
180-4662-002A SIP/In-Line
336-4680-001A SIP/In-Line
028-4940-002A SOIC/SOJ
048-4940-004A SOIC/SOJ
3532 Standard Series
3533 Standard Series
3538 Standard Series
3540 Standard Series
4662 Standard Series
4672 Standard Series
4940 Standard Series
002-4940-001A T.O.& Relays
004-4940-001A T.O.& Relays
008-4940-001A T.O.& Relays
012-4940-004A T.O.& Relays
016-4941-002A T.O.& Relays
024-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
032-4662-004A T.O.& Relays
032-4662-005A T.O.& Relays
032-4663-002A T.O.& Relays
048-4662-003A T.O.& Relays
060-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
128-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
160-4663-001A T.O.& Relays
160-4663-004A T.O.& Relays
243-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
018-3539-002A ZIF Receptacles
032-4663-002A ZIF Receptacles
048-4663-001A ZIF Receptacles
060-4663-001A ZIF Receptacles
128-4663-001A ZIF Receptacles
1458-4663-001B ZIF Receptacles
Series 4662 Variations
040-4662-001A Axial Lead
018-4662-001A DIP
012-4662-001A Hybrid
015-4662-001A Hybrid
017-4662-001A Hybrid
017-4662-002A Hybrid
018-4662-001A Hybrid
028-4662-001A Hybrid
032-4662-001A Hybrid
032-4662-002A Hybrid
034-4662-001A Hybrid
035-4662-001A Hybrid
040-4662-001A Hybrid
048-4662-003A Hybrid
048-4662-003B Hybrid
057-4662-001A Hybrid
080-4662-001A Hybrid
104-4662-002A Hybrid
150-4662-001A Hybrid
150-4662-002A Hybrid
174-4662-001A Hybrid
204-4662-001A Hybrid
216-4662-001A Hybrid
300-4662-001A Hybrid
395-4662-001A Hybrid
1024-4662-003A PGA
104-4662-001A PGA
104-4662-002A PGA
1458-4662-001A PGA
174-4662-001A PGA
192-4662-001A PGA
300-4662-001A PGA
395-4662-001A PGA
475-4662-001A PGA
540-4662-001A PGA
564-4662-001A PGA
729-4662-002A PGA
030-4662-002A Power
012-4662-001A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
030-4662-002A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
048-4662-003B QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
068-4662-002A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
068-4662-006A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
136-4662-001A QFP/Tie Bar/Flat Pack
180-4662-002A SIP/In-Line
4662 Standard Series
024-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
032-4662-004A T.O.& Relays
032-4662-005A T.O.& Relays
048-4662-003A T.O.& Relays
060-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
128-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
160-4663-001A T.O.& Relays
160-4663-004A T.O.& Relays
243-4662-001A T.O.& Relays
128-4663-001A ZIF Receptacles
1458-4663-001B ZIF Receptacles

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